The above shot shows American actress Carolyn Komant doing her part for either world hunger or cultural food awareness (the smile and chef’s hat make us suspect the latter) for the United Nations in 1961. A former beauty pageant winner, Komant was familiar with public appearance work and was also Queen of the 34th annual Newball Saugus Rodeo, and Miss Safety Check for Burbank, California in 1961. She parlayed her recognition into regular television roles between 1959 and 1961, and one film role, a bit part in 1962’s House of Women, before marrying and giving up show business.
1994—White House Hit by Airplane
Frank Eugene Corder tries to crash a stolen Cessna 150 into the White House, but strikes the lawn before skidding into the building. The incident causes minor damage to the White House, but the plane is totaled and Corder is killed.