Above you see a photo of U.S. actress Rosalind Cash modeling what we like to think of as the classic afro, an image we’ve posted today because recently we ran across a story on Simone Williams, official Guinness World Record holder for largest afro in existence. We don’t know if hers is actually the largest, regardless of what Guinness says, but it’s a majestic ‘do, beyond doubt. It got us thinking about the hairstyle, which in our book is the coolest of all time.
There are different types of afros beside just the classic. We wanted to feature all styles, and we also bent the definition a little to include what might be categorized more accurately as large perms. We’ve labeled all the variations below, which will help when you start on the long, winding, and ultimately fruitless road toward your own blowout. We’re aware, of course, that there were many male celebs who had afros, but we’re sticking with women today. Your journey begins below.
There are numerous other afro shots in our website, but we can’t possibly remember where they all are, so you’ll just have to find them yourself, maybe by clicking the blaxploitation link below. Besides those, we do recall one more afro you can check out. It’s on Desirée West, and you’ll need to gird yourself for probably the hottest shot in Pulp Intl. history. Ready? Look here.