The only reason we took any notice of the 1975 sleaze novel Doctor’s Dirty Tricks by Rand McTiernan is because Swedish actress Christina Lindberg is the cover star. That fact led to the thought process, “Well, we might as well read the thing and see what it’s about.” It turns out it’s about exactly what you’d think, except there are not one but two doctors—a dentist and a psychologist. They’re pals, and both molest their patients. The dentist does it while they’re gassed, and the shrink does it while they’re hypnotized. The shrink considers himself a better breed, because, “You can’t make someone do something under hypnosis they don’t want to do.” The cover tagline describes this as being seduced, but the concept of seduction has nothing to do with this book at any point. Sleaze novels are usually pretty fun, with women often the main plot drivers, but then there’s this kind too. Doctor’s Dirty Tricks is a regressive male fantasy centered around helpless and insensate women. We’ll take ours helpful and responsive. No thank you, Mr. McTiernan.
1960—Woodward Gets First Star on Walk of Fame
Actress Joanne Woodward receives the first star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the Los Angeles sidewalk at Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street that serves as an outdoor entertainment museum. Woodward was one of 1,558 honorees chosen by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce in 1958, when the proposal to build the sidewalk was approved. Today the sidewalk contains more than 2,300 stars.