Above, a page from the Goodtime Weekly Calendar of 1963 with an image from Burton McNeely, who when last seen a couple of months ago was working above water, but this time decided to try a new perspective with a scuba diving model. She’s obviously on her hundredth descent (for those who don’t know, tradition in the tropics is to celebrate dive number one hundred by going in naked, but how forcefully you’re encouraged to do so depends either on what you look like or how much you had to drink when the subject came up). Anyway, the results here are rather nice. Can’t wait to see dive two-hundred. The quotes this week are as usual, including a musing from that acclaimed social critic Fred Flintstone.
Aug 18: “A lie could run around the world before truth could get its pants on.”—Cordell Hull
Aug 19: Raving beauty: A girl who finishes last in a beauty contest.
Aug 20: A farmer’s sign on the field for corn-strippers: “How would you like to be stripped in public?”
Aug 21: “No matter how high you hang an awning, in summer it’s only a shade above the street.”—Sam Cowling
Aug 22: “Men pay for alimony because it’s the supporting thing to do.”—Freddie Flintstone
Aug 23: Sign in a furniture store: Best beds in town for love or money.
Aug 24: Points to ponder: If sex is really such a driving force, why is so much of it found parked?