Sado-masochism has been a mainstay of Japanese art for a long time. During the 1980s, their filmmakers took explorations of S&M further than any cinema had before, and in so doing invented torture porn long before the term was coined to describe American movies like Saw and Hostel. The major difference in Japan is that the films were misogynistic as well. Below is a collection of ten one-sheets for Japanese sado-masochist films released in 1985 and 1986. We don’t recommend any of these for viewing, but the promo art, er… kills.
1933—Prohibition Ends in United States
Utah becomes the 36th U.S. state to ratify the 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution, thus establishing the required 75% of states needed to overturn the 18th Amendment which had made the sale of alcohol illegal. But the criminal gangs that had gained power during Prohibition are now firmly established, and maintain an influence that continues unabated for decades.