Above is the cover of a Japanese magazine that caught our eye not only because of the extremely high quality of the art, but also because of its romantic style. We’ve had it sitting on our hard drive for a while, but decided to post it today because for some reason it makes us think of New Year’s Eve. We first saw the magazine on Mudwerks, Blonde Zombies and several other Tumblrs, but with no information as to its nature. But that’s what we’re for. We can tell you it’s called One Thousand and One Nights (the symbols translate literally as “night,” “over,” and “one thousand”), and it’s an erotic comic book with assorted steamy stories and random bits of humor. It was published from the late 1940s through early 1950s, as far as we can tell, with the latest issues we’ve seen appearing in 1951. Whether the contents are the same as in the enduring Islamic text One Thousand and One Nights, aka Arabian Nights, we can’t say for certain, but it’s probably a good bet. As a year-end note, we’re happy to say that Pulp Intl.’s traffic is up because of all of you out there, so thanks for taking time to drop by our dusty little corner of the internet. Assuming the Maya aren’t right about the whole Earth switching its polarity thing, you can expect more and better in 2012. Happy New Year.