Above, a nice James Avati cover for Nightmare Alley by William Lindsay Gresham, copyright 1949. The hardback of this came out in 1946, and it was adapted to the big screen in 1947 with Tyrone Power in the lead role, so this art reflects the movie, which is why the cover femme looks like and is dressed like co-star Coleen Gray. This is one of many mid-century novels set in and around carnivals, and it’s one of the better ones, we think.
The film version adheres reasonably close to Gresham’s original vision. We talked about it several years ago, so check here if you’re interested. We’ve also talked about several other carnival books over the years and now we have an idea to put together a cover collection along those lines. We’ll have to see if there are any examples left to find. But in the meantime you can see what we’ve already collected here, here, here, and here.