Setsuko Ogawa is the bell ringer on this poster for Jouen Ohichi no koiuta, known in English as Passionate: O-Shichi’s Love Song, or alternatively Burning Desire. We have a burning desire to see this but couldn’t track it down, a not uncommon outcome where Ogawa’s movies are concerned. We know it’s a drama in which she defies her parents wishes about marriage, leading to serious consequences. It premiered in Japan on February 29, 1972, but since there’s no 29th tomorrow, we’re sharing the art a day early. Maybe by the next leap year we’ll have found the movie. But way before then we’ll show you an amazing Ogawa promo photo. Stay tuned for that.
1934—Arrest Made in Lindbergh Baby Case
Bruno Hauptmann is arrested for the kidnap and murder of Charles Lindbergh Jr., son of the famous American aviator. The infant child had been abducted from the Lindbergh home in March 1932, and found decomposed two months later in the woods nearby. He had suffered a fatal skull fracture. Hauptmann was tried, convicted, sentenced to death, and finally executed by electric chair in April 1936. He proclaimed his innocence to the end