In the thriller The Big Heat, which is based on a novel by William P. McGivern and directed by Fritz Lang, Glenn Ford plays one of the toughest men you’ll find in film noir—ass kicking detective Dave Bannon, whose clash with organized crime sends him down a rogue path that leaves people battered, bruised, bloodied, burnt, and blown up. He co-starred with Gloria Grahame, and the way the plot develops, she turns out to be every bit as tough. We can’t tell you anything about the movie others already haven’t about a thousand times, so we’re focusing instead on this top notch promo poster, a framable classic in the panel format we love. You’ll see this online only occasionally because it’s way too rare for sellers to ever have in stock, but it’s a fitting piece for such a great movie. The Big Heat premiered in the U.S. today in 1953.
1980—John Lennon Killed
Ex-Beatle John Lennon is shot four times in the back and killed by Mark David Chapman in front of The Dakota apartment building in New York City. Chapman had been stalking Lennon since October, and earlier that evening Lennon had autographed a copy of his album Double Fantasy for him.