Above is a West German poster for Hafen des Lasters, which translates as “port of vice,” but is better known as Key Largo. We love this piece of art. It’s imitative of earlier posters, particularly a Belgian promo from 1949. But that one is by Wik. This one is signed by a different artist, but illegibly, so we can’t tell you who painted it. We’ll work on that. We’ve uploaded the signature in case you have an idea what this scrawl says.
This is simply a great film, a crime drama set in a hurricane. Many books using the same idea were written later, such as Theodore Pratt’s Tropical Disturbance and Russell Trainer’s No Way Back. Whether they were inspired by Key Largo or earlier works like W. Somerset Maugham’s Rain we can’t say, but any writer will tell you never let a good gimmick go to waste. In any case, Key Largo premiered in the U.S. in 1948 and reached West Germany today in 1950.