There are doctor novels and there are nurse novels. We’ve kept close tabs on both types. Above is another nurse novel, Caroline Trench’s Nurse Caril’s New Post, from Harlequin Enterprises, a company that practically specialized in this genre. The cover is by Paul Anna Soik, someone we said years ago we’d get back to but never did. Well, now we have, and really, six years is pretty quick for us. At this point we usually link to all the similar books we’ve posted, but this time we’ll limit ourselves to our three favorites: here, here, and here.
1978—Giorgi Markov Assassinated
Bulgarian dissident Giorgi Markov is assassinated in a scene right out of a spy novel. As he’s waiting at a bus stop near Waterloo Bridge in London, he’s jabbed in the calf with an umbrella. The man holding the umbrella apologizes and walks away, but he is in reality a Bulgarian hired killer who has just injected a ricin pellet into Markov, who develops a high fever and dies three days later.