This might be our first piece of Finnish pulp. Actually, nope—we just checked. We have some Finnish items here, here, and here. So this poster is our fourth entry from that country, and it’s a promo for Uga-uga ihmishirviöiden maa, aka Creatures the World Forgot. Finnish is a weird language, but even without knowing how to read it you can probably discern that the movie was re-titled. The poster says, “uga uga a country of human beings.” So we guess the creatures the world forgot lived in Uga Uga. We didn’t know that. Another online translator tells us the poster actually says, “the upright country of human beings,” and a third tells us it says “the land of the sea of magpie.”
A former roommate of ours lives in Finland, so maybe he’ll help us out with this one, especially the “uga uga” part. Did we mention we went to Finland once? Try drinking with that crowd and after a couple of hours, “uga uga,” is all you’ll be able to say. You may also have noticed the creatures of the original movie somehow transformed into “greatures,” at the lower right of the art, one of the funnier misspellings we’ve seen on a foreign version poster. The film starred Julie Ege, who’s in no way uga uga, and is probably the best reason to watch the movie. We’ve mentioned her before, particularly the publicity stunt Hammer Studios cooked up to promote the film. Read about that here, and read a short review here. Greatures—er, we mean Creatures—the World Forgot premiered in Finland today in 1971.