If you’ve visited some of the older posts in Pulp Intl. recently you may have noticed that our headers on those old pieces, as well as on the history text in the sidebar, have partially or completely vanished. This only happens to Chrome users, and the reason is that Chrome has made some technical change that’s knocking out the art files we use to create those headers. Pulp Intl. is pretty old now in digital terms, and the code we used to build the site is basically obsolete. That’s why over the years bugs have cropped up, such as the Reader Pulp feature failing to work, and the e-mail page becoming non-functional. Each time a minor bug appears we fix it, but we always set aside repairing the major stuff until a more convenient time—which never arrives. Now though, losing the post headers means we have no choice but to do a total backend revamp. It will take some weeks, and we ask for your patience as we get it completed. In the meantime all the new posts (we’re taking tomorrow off but we’ll be back with new stuff Thursday) should behave normally.
1973—Allende Ousted in Chile
With the help of the CIA, General Augusto Pinochet topples democratically elected President Salvador Allende in Chile. Pinochet’s regime serves as a testing ground for Chicago School of Economics radical pro-business policies that later are applied to other countries, including the United States.