The colorful piece you see here is a French poster for the black & white Spanish production El enigma del ataúd, which translates to “the coffin’s mystery”. It was directed by b-movie veteran Santos Alcocer, and starred Swiss actor Howard Vernon, and Danielle Godet. When the film opened in France it became Les orgies du Dr. Orloff, because, well, in terms of convincing the French to see the flick, orgies are a major improvement over coffins. On a factual note, all the online sources we consulted said this film was a Spanish-French co-production, but we found no evidence that’s true. While the lead actors are Swiss and French, the rest of the cast is Spanish, the production company is Spanish, the distributor is Spanish, the director is Spanish, and the film was shot entirely in Spain. The film also premiered in Spain, today in 1969.
1994—White House Hit by Airplane
Frank Eugene Corder tries to crash a stolen Cessna 150 into the White House, but strikes the lawn before skidding into the building. The incident causes minor damage to the White House, but the plane is totaled and Corder is killed.