American actress Virginia Leith had a perfectly respectable show business career, appearing in the thriller Violent Saturday and on hit television shows such as Baretta and Barnaby Jones, but what she’ll always be remembered for is her turn as a decapitated head in the 1962 schlock sci-fi flick The Brain that Wouldn’t Die. Have you seen that one? You really should check it out. It’s a hoot. In the film Leith is beheaded in a car accident and her scientist fiancée just can’t let go. Well, looking at the rest of Leith at top, now we see why. We don’t have a date on the photo, but we’re guessing it’s from around 1955.
1920—Terrorists Bomb Wall Street
At 12:01 p.m. a bomb loaded into a horse-drawn wagon explodes in front of the J.P.Morgan building in New York City. 38 people are killed and 400 injured. Italian anarchists are thought to be the perpetrators, but after years of investigation no one is ever brought to justice.