The man in the photo looks like he’s having a rest, but it’s not one he’ll be waking up from. He was shot to death outside an Arcadia, California public bathroom after wrestling with a cop for a gun and losing. You’ll note that the bullet or bullets went clean through him and he left a trail of blood on the stucco behind him. The man’s name was William Hall, and below you see Arcadia police chief Neil F. Anderson showing how powder burns on arresting detective James Clark’s coat prove the gun was fired during a struggle. Of course, the pulp fan in us would note that Clark could have created powder burns after the fact. A coroner’s jury later ruled the killing justifiable homicide. Of course, the pulp fan in us would note that a corner’s jury can be bribed. Basically, nothing is simple in the world of pulp, but this incident seems as clear-cut as described. The photos are from today in 1952.