This cool image features Japanese actress Sanae OÌ‚hori in character as Mari from her 1974 pinky violence flick Sukeban: Tamatsuki asobi, aka Girl Boss: Crazy Ball Game. OÌ‚hori appeared in only four other films, but among them were Seijû gakuen, aka School of the Holy Beast and Onna hissatsu ken, aka Sister Street Fighter, both of which are fun efforts. With a résumé that slight it’s unlikely we’ll see her again here, but you never know.
1933—Prohibition Ends in United States
Utah becomes the 36th U.S. state to ratify the 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution, thus establishing the required 75% of states needed to overturn the 18th Amendment which had made the sale of alcohol illegal. But the criminal gangs that had gained power during Prohibition are now firmly established, and maintain an influence that continues unabated for decades.