This photo is identified all over the internet as a shot of U.S. actress Marsha Hunt from the 1947 film noir T-Men. The only problem is Hunt didn’t appear in T-Men. This is actually her from 1948’s Raw Deal, in which she starred with Dennis O’Keefe and Claire Trevor. So take note internet gatekeepers—uncredit this Hunt photo from T-Men and apply it instead to Raw Deal. As a side note, we have copies of both movies, and we’ll get around to watching them at some point. When we do we’ll report back.
1937—Carothers Patents Nylon
Wallace H. Carothers, an American chemist, inventor and the leader of organic chemistry at DuPont Corporation, receives a patent for a silk substitute fabric called nylon. Carothers was a depressive who for years carried a cyanide capsule on a watch chain in case he wanted to commit suicide, but his genius helped produce other polymers such as neoprene and polyester. He eventually did take cyanide—not in pill form, but dissolved in lemon juice—resulting in his death in late 1937.