Above: an unknown model stars on a Technicolor lithograph titled “Solid Comfort,” which we think was printed around 1950. This has happened with the Pulp Intl. girlfriends a few times when we left an interesting book sitting around, but now they don’t open them because they assume someone will be betrayed or murdered in short order. We’ll try to get them to read David Dodge’s To Catch a Thief. If there’s such a thing as gateway drugs for crime fiction that’s certainly one of them.
In another case of vintage art being shoddily repurposed for modern usage, we found this litho for sale on a few websites as a poster, which you see above. The reproduction is absolute crap, but “so many books, so little time” is a sentiment we can get behind. A book definitely makes an afternoon more enjoyable, and we’d add that a nice glass of wine is a further improvement. Which is why we always have (at least) one close by when we read. We have a lot more Technicolor lithos in the website, so just click the keywords and have a look if you’re curious.