Above: two promo photos of Japanese singer/actress Yûko Asano, who has charted many popular hits, such as 1976’s “Sexy Bus Stop,” and who appeared in such films as 1977’s Gokumon-to, aka Guillotine Island, and 1979’s Sanada Yukimura no bouryaku, aka The Shogun Assassins. These images come from a 1987 photo book known in English as Yuko Asano: Night on Fire, which was put together by the magazine Weekly Playboy as a celebration for its twentieth anniversary.
Update: We really love these photos, so here we are a year later and we’ve added a third from the series, along with the very intesting cover of the book. Since we can see in our analytics that visitors land on this post quite a bit, we know these new photos will be seen. We’ll certainly have more from Asano later.