The schlock factory known as American International Pictures and director Eddie Romero team up for another low budget romp with Savage Sisters, one of numerous shot-in-the-Philippines action epics they put together for the grindhouse circuit. AIP regulars Sid Haig, John Ashley, and Vic Diaz make appearances, but the stars of this one are Cheri Caffaro, Gloria Hendry, and Rosanna Ortiz, playing women caught up in a third world revolution.
Violence and dumb comedy combine into an entertaining mix, but entertaining isn’t the same as good. Savage Sisters is strictly for movie parties with pals, something you glance at between beers and bong hits to catch the intermittent gun battles and soft titillation. Gil Scott-Heron said the revolution would not be televised. It won’t be organized either, if these plotters are any indication.
It’s ironic that all these AIP movies about overthrowing repressive governments were shot during Ferdinand Marcos’s exploitative Philippine regime, but we guess he was just happy to have film production in the country and didn’t actually care about the finished product. As long as you don’t care too much about the finished product either you can put Savage Sisters in the awful-but-fun bin and enjoy. It opened in New York City today in 1974.