Here’s a random little something we found a while back—an advertisement for Suralo raincoats by French illustrator Marcel Norsac, printed in Paris by Editions Chantelune. Norsac was a well-known artist who did many book illustrations but also worked extensively in advertising. These days, lithographs of his work can go for two-hundred dollars or more. This piece, part of a long-running campaign showing just how happy a Suralo raincoat could make its wearer, dates from the late-1940s.
1920—Terrorists Bomb Wall Street
At 12:01 p.m. a bomb loaded into a horse-drawn wagon explodes in front of the J.P.Morgan building in New York City. 38 people are killed and 400 injured. Italian anarchists are thought to be the perpetrators, but after years of investigation no one is ever brought to justice.