French illustrator Jef de Wulf painted so many covers for Editions de l’Arabesque that he was almost an in-house employee, and here we see him again on the art chores for Paul S. Nouvel’s 1960 thriller Crapahut. You also see the original art, and can see the hole left for the publisher’s logo, because why waste paint when you don’t have to? Crapahut, of course, translates into English as “outhouse.” Actually, that’s not correct. We don’t know what crapahut means. We think it’s a place. A place you can smell from miles away.
Update: We got two answers on this, the first from Jo:
About the book named Crapahut, I can tell you it’s a soldier’s training, very hard and difficult. It’s a slang word used first by military people (warrior’s path?). You can use it also to speak about a long and difficult hiking in the mountains without any military sense.
The second answer came from Jean-Marie:
«Crapahut» from military slang, we have the verb «crapahuter» that means: walk, during war or battle if possible… with haversack very heavy, with arms, with enemy all around, into jungle, for 5, 10, 20 kilometers. Very hard. «Ha! qu’est-ce qu’on a crapahuté avant d’arriver à Danang,,, »
Thanks, Jo and Jean-Marie. Another mystery solved.