When it comes to mid-century fiction, basically all the guys had problems respecting women’s boundaries. There are so many covers of the above type we could curate an entire collection. We can’t think of any others, however, where the guy looks like he’s wearing lipstick. We checked a few other examples of this one online, just in case this look was courtesy of some kid with a crayon, but he’s wearing that crushed strawberry in all of them. Not that we disapprove. More guys probably should do it. We’ve done it, and it was fun, if not even educational. But maybe we’re drilling too deep into this subject. Boundaries we were talking about, right? So, Mike Moran was aka Ben Kerr, Jonas Ward, and Thomas Wills, and this book deals with a private eye who takes a job bodyguarding a boxer who’s run into problems as the night of a big bout approaches. Reviews are mixed to middling. But this cover opens the door to all sorts of discussion, which makes it worth sharing. 1953 on this.