When Fawcett Publications launched its Gold Medal line, Man Story was the second paperback it put out. It’s a fiction anthology culled from the pages of True magazine, which was part of the Fawcett stable, and it came out in 1950 numbered 102 on the cover because the series began at 101. There are heavyweight, widely published authors in this collection, including William Attwood, Daniel Mannix, and Barnaby Conrad. Of special note are Philip Wylie, who wrote Gladiator, Paul Gallico, who wrote The Poseidon Adventure, and MacKinlay Kantor, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel Andersonville.
The Gold Medal line actually helped bring about the demise of pulp magazines. This was due partly to the sheer number of books it published (it went from 35 titles in 1950 to 66 the next year and never looked back), as well as to the shift in tone from the pulps it represented. Some of the writers published by Gold Medal would become huge names moving forward, including John D. MacDonald, Louis L’Amour, Richard Prather, and Charles Williams. Yet for all the importance of this second Gold Medal paperback, it’s cheap as hell. We saw it selling for five dollars, which is a pretty nice price for the motherlode of testosterone fiction.
The Gold Medal line actually helped bring about the demise of pulp magazines. This was due partly to the sheer number of books it published (it went from 35 titles in 1950 to 66 the next year and never looked back), as well as to the shift in tone from the pulps it represented. Some of the writers published by Gold Medal would become huge names moving forward, including John D. MacDonald, Louis L’Amour, Richard Prather, and Charles Williams. Yet for all the importance of this second Gold Medal paperback, it’s cheap as hell. We saw it selling for five dollars, which is a pretty nice price for the motherlode of testosterone fiction.