The thieving business runs hot and cold, and it reaches freezing depths when your girlfriend starts giving you a hard time about your earnings. Actually, let’s not restrict that to thieving. It’s true whatever your chosen field happens to be. John Trinian’s Scratch a Thief was published in 1961 as an Ace Double Novel with Chester Warwick’s My Pal, The Killer. Scratch a Thief later became a movie with Alain Delon and Ann-Margret in the leads, and at that time was retitled Once a Thief and credited to Trinian’s pseudonym Zekail Marko. In reality, he was neither Trinian nor Marko, but Marvin Schmoker. So, you can understand the name changes. High school must have been hell for the guy. We haven’t read him yet but we’ll get around to it. And maybe to Chester Warwick too. You never know. But we’ll for sure get around to the movie.
1901—McKinley Fatally Shot
Polish-born anarchist Leon Czolgosz shoots and fatally wounds U.S. President William McKinley at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. McKinley dies September 12, and Czolgosz is later executed.