A novelization of the blaxploitation classic Coffy? We had to buy it. Paul Fairman was tapped to bring the iconic character of Coffy to literary life, and we were surprised to discover that the result is x-rated. We assume Fairman’s marching orders came from Lancer Books or/and American International Pictures, and in a way it’s a clever gambit—readers had no choice but to imagine Pam Grier dispensing the blowjobs and sizzling bed sessions described. Unfortunately, the other edge of that sword is Fairman has Coffy raped, which didn’t happen in the movie (though she was seriously threatened with such). Except for the kicked up explicitness, the tale hews close to the motion picture, with Coffy seeking bloody revenge against the degenerates who addicted her eleven-year-old sister to heroin.
Fairman writes with as much soul as he can muster, but it’s quickly discernible that he doesn’t exactly have his finger on the pulse of the black community. Some of his attempts at African American vernacular are cringeworthy, especially the constant interjections of, “Sheeee-it!” We really don’t think many black authors would have made that choice, and Fairman, who’s not black and is no Toni Morrison, should have rethought it. The book has this and numerous other flaws, and isn’t well written overall. At least Fairman solved the mystery of Coffy’s real name, sort of. Her last name is Coffin. In the movie her sister calls her Flower Child, but we feel like that’s understood to be a nickname. Here she’s asked directly if that’s her real name. She responds with a quip about nobody being around when her birth certificate was made. So we guess it’s officially Flower Child.
We managed to get Fairman’s Coffy for seven dollars plus shipping. We’ve seen sellers ask for a lot more, even as much as eighty dollars, but we’d caution against extravagant expenditure. You get less than you expect. The book has extra large type to help pad it into a normal sized paperback. With regular type, leading, and kerning we think it would run maybe 100 pages. Instead of typographic tricks, a more detailed portrayal of Flower Child Coffin would have been better, but no such luck. Even so, we’re glad we bought Fairman’s novelizationsploitation. If we hadn’t, we would have wondered about its contents forever. The cover art on this is uncredited, but it comes directly from the film poster. That art, in turn, is rarely attributed, but it’s by George Akimoto. Excellent work.