As far as we’re concerned, a doctor with a pencil mustache would be an automatic scandal. Would you trust this guy with a tongue depressor? Or worse, a speculum? But in 1954, when Jean Calvet’s Scandalous French Doctor was published, we guess sinister was somewhat acceptable. As was having sex with your patients, which is what medical sleaze is all about. This amusing example, one of dozens we’ve shared over the years, came from Croydon Books, and the cover art is unattributed.
1950—Alger Hiss Is Convicted of Perjury
American lawyer Alger Hiss is convicted of perjury in connection with an investigation by the House unAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC), at which he was questioned about being a Soviet spy. Hiss served forty-four months in prison. Hiss maintained his innocence and fought his perjury conviction until his death in 1996 at age 92.