Above is a Japanese poster for the Swedish film Butterflies, another sexploitation romp featuring blonde-on-blonde sex symbol Marie Forså. The movie also stars Harry Reems and Eric Edwards, two legit porno actors from back in the day, here getting a chance to do some mainstream work. The basic thrust, so to speak, of the plot involves a country girl who goes to the big city and has various sexual adventures with older and more experienced men. You know the drill.
As with other Forså films, there are explicit scenes, but in this case it’s actually her doing the deed. There are several quick uncut pans from face to nether regions in three of her bed sessions that leave no doubt. There’s confusion around this because the filmmakers wanted a gynecological version of the movie and shot jarring close-ups of thrusting genitalia. Those aren’t Forså’s. They were shot later to make the film extra explicit, and the uncut pans of Forså were dumped. We don’t understand it, but that’s what happened. So there are three slightly different versions of the movie out there—an r-rated one with no hard sex, a version with the revealing pans of Forså, and an x-rated version with a body double.
On a related note, even though the intercourse is real, that doesn’t mean the sexual ecstasy is, but Forså is a brilliant performer in this regard. You may even believe she’s having the best sex of her life. This is of course not the norm for softcore and porn actresses, whose fakery generally is obvious. But Forså is a force of nature. We don’t know if there’s a legally available version of the movie with the aforementioned pans. If there is, that’s the one to acquire. But either way, her innocent looks, combined with an uninhibited performance, make Butterflies a true blue classic. It premiered in Japan today in 1975.