Nora-nekko rokku: Sekkusu hanta, aka, Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter is the third installment of a Nikkatsu Studios-produced pentology of loosely connected Stray Cat Rock films. This one attempts to address two real world issues: the notorious Japanese penchant for racism, and Japanese resentment concerning the post-war occupation of their country by American troops. Meiko Kaji and her friends, who comprise a girl gang called the Alleycats, run afoul of a J-supremacist street gang called the Eagles when one of the Alleycats refuses to betray her half-Japanese/half-black boyfriend. Parallel to this, Meiko finds herself drawn to another mixed race boy who happens to be in town searching for his missing sister. The leader of the Eagles, twisted by the traumatic memory of his sister’s rape at the hands of American servicemen, goes fully bughouse insane over all this race-mixing and decides to solve it by embarking on a citywide rampage against anyone he thinks isn’t pure Japanese. As usual, we won’t spoil the film by giving a full synopsis. Find it, rent it, watch it, love it, and then go bash some racists. It’s good clean fun. Nora-nekko rokku: Sekkusu hanta opened in Japan today in 1971.