We’ve had this poster sitting around for six years. We were holding it back in hopes we’d track down the movie, but we’ve given up. This was made to promote Shojo no irezumi, which premiered today in 1976. It had no Western release, thus no English title, however 処女の刺青 translates as “virgin tattoo.” We gather the movie is a documentary or pseudo-documentary. A few posters of this type that we’ve shared were painted by Kaname Ozuna, but this artist is unknown, and that’s another reason we resisted uploading it. But maybe it’s better to see whether any of you know who painted it. If so, feel free to tell us.
1950—Alger Hiss Is Convicted of Perjury
American lawyer Alger Hiss is convicted of perjury in connection with an investigation by the House unAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC), at which he was questioned about being a Soviet spy. Hiss served forty-four months in prison. Hiss maintained his innocence and fought his perjury conviction until his death in 1996 at age 92.