This became one of our favorite vintage photos the moment we saw it. It shows U.S. actress Sheila Terry in 1935 during the filming of A Scream in the Night, and it suggests that beauty is not about geometric perfection but an amalgam of qualities, some measurable, some not. We can assume this was deliberate emphasis, because in nearly all her other photos Terry looks as unremarkably beautiful as any other Hollywood actress. But here she looks memorable. We should talk about her at length, but we can’t today. However, the condensed version of her interesting life is as follows: she came from money, resisted the wishes of her family in becoming an actress, appeared in forty-three films (twenty-nine credited roles) but never got her acting career where she wanted, quit and became a press agent, married into more money, ultimately lost her fortune, committed suicide broke at age forty-nine, and was buried in a pauper’s grave in Potter’s Field, New York City. Another photo appears below.