Above are French dust jackets made between 1928 and 1934 for Collection du Lecteur, a series produced by Paris based Éditions Cosmospolites. As in the U.S., the femme fatale or good girl style of art most people associate with pulp—such as here and here—did not become popular in France until the 1950s. That was toward the end of the official pulp era. We love the later art, obviously, but we think these very colorful earlier pieces are also cool. See another example here.
Mix of early French pulp covers shows a different style.
France, Éditions Cosmospolites, Edgar Wallace, Albert Erlande, Georges Delamare, Jacques Arvor, Jean D. Agraives, H.J. Magog, José Germain, E. Guérinon, Leon Poirier, Antonine Goulet-Tessier, Marion Gilbert, Horace van Offel, Maurice Dekobra, Emile Zavie, Théodore Valensi, Ch. de Rivière, E. de Keyser, cover art, cover collection, literature