Ukrainian illustrator Constantin Belinsky did special work on this French promo poster for Eva s’éveille à l’amour, which was originally made in England and is better known as That Kind of Girl. The French title translates as “Eva awakens to love,” which sounds nice, but this is actually a sex scare flick starring Margaret Rose Keil as a young Austrian woman in London who dates around a bit and as a result finds herself dealing with serious consequences. She only finds out there’s a problem when she’s attacked and the police force her to take a medical exam. Did you know that in Britain the euphemism for rape back then was to be “interfered with”? Neither did we. Those Brits are so circumspect. “But I told you he didn’t interfere with me,” Keil insists to the cops. Nevertheless, off to the clinic she’s sent, where the bad news comes down like a thunderclap—syphilis. This isn’t just a b-movie—it’s a vd-movie.
Poor Keil caught the clap from her first British lover, and gave it to two more. One of those two probably gave it to his fiancée. And worse, Keil works as an au pair, may have given it to the child she cares for, and has to tell the entire family they need to go to the clinic. Talk about mortifying. But that’s the point of scare movies—for you to walk away afraid to have premarital sex/smoke marijuana/peruse a socialist pamphlet. The movie even lifts straight from the puritan playbook about “respecting your body”—i.e. people have premarital sex because they have no self worth. Some people actually believe this even today. It all sounds like a drag, we know, but as moral warning movies go this isn’t bad thanks to the slice of London life it presents. Do you need to put it in your queue? We wouldn’t say so, but if you do it won’t be a waste of time. After premiering in England and other countries in 1963, That Kind of Girl opened in France today in 1964.
I have a natural facility for the carnal arts. What’s a girl supposed to do?
It seems unfair that I should have gotten a disease from something so fun.
Why did the doctor have to call it “fire in the ho”? Was that really necessary?
And then he said once the penicillin works he’ll call me for a date. Doesn’t that violate his hypocritic oath? It’s all so confusing.