Here’s an interesting something we received via email from a photographer named Dave Delvecchio. Says Dave:
Hi there. I love the site. I have recently created a few of my own mock pulp covers. Had a little photo shoot at my apartment with some friends. This is what I came up with…
These are nice, clearly. And we can’t resist commenting that these mock-up covers are far more eye-catching than what we generally see in bookstores. Today the typical crime novel’s cover is a stock photo overlaid by white or yellow text. Maybe an embossed trickle of blood somewhere in the mix. Theoretically, such generic covers are easier and cheaper to produce than covers with actual art, but we’re not so sure. Having worked in publishing a bit, it seems to us as if graphic design houses charge a pretty penny for their uninspired efforts, whereas a talented but unknown artist might be tempted to create a nice cover for far less money. But that’s just a theory. In the end, the books sell without nice cover art. Soon, they’ll probably sell without cover art at all, just a qr code splashed across the front. Anyway, thanks for sending these pieces over, Dave.