The West German pop culture and celeb magazine Party, which was produced in Hannover by Lehning Press, is an obscure publication. It’s very vivid, with bright color, many full page photos, and many film celebrities represented. Equal time is given to unknowns too, for example, the cover features Annelies Niessner, who was… we have no idea, and inside a color page is given to Cornelie, identified only as a “millionärstochter geht eigene wege,” a millionaire’s daughter who goes her own way.
In terms of celebs you get Carol Lynley, Jane Russell, Sandra Dee, Stella Stevens, Laya Raki, a beautiful portrait of Jane Fonda, numerous shots of Ursula Andress, and many others. This publication didn’t waste words, even on the copyright date. The cover tells us this is issue eight, so we’re going to say it came in August, and we’re thinking it’s from 1967. Though it may be short on info, Party is an appropriate name, because it’s a very fun magazine. We have several more issues, so look for those later.