Never has a woman looked so intently serious about the feel of her own rear end as in this illustration by Robert McGinnis for Carter Brown’s The Bombshell. The book was published as Doll for the Big House in 1957, then revised and republished under its new title in 1960. Neither edition, by the way, had anything to do with glute ham raises. Signet produced three covers total. The above was from 1967. Below are McGinnis’s effort from 1971, followed by Barye Phillips’ great cover from 1960, and finally Horwitz’s Aussie edition by an unknown artist. Would this have been a lot easier if we’d just put the covers in chronological order? Perhaps, but then we wouldn’t have been able to say “glute ham raises.” It’s worth the inconvenience.
Update: We read this book a bit later and our write-up is here.