This post was long overdue. Most pulp oriented websites do a collection of covers that have the word wanton in the title, so we’re following suit. Basically because we couldn’t think of anything else to do today. Numerous examples below. Enjoy.
A flavorful stew of mid-century paperback covers.
Lon Williams, Ian Gordon, Kermit Welles, R. Wilkes Hunter, Dave King, Lester Lake, John B. Thompson, George Cassidy, James Clayford, Michael Gillian, Judson Grey, Al James, Arnold Marmor, J.C. Perlman, Lawrence Treat, Martin A. Larson, Henry Klinger, Carter Brown, James Rubel, Lewis Clay, Curt Aldrich, Richard S. Prather, Drew Palmer, Peter Cheyney, Brett Halliday, Mark Daniels, cover art, literature, cover collection