We were wandering around town earlier today, and what did we spy outside a sundries shop but a stack of vintage reading material. Wedged between English teaching books and bags of sawdust was a stack of José Mallorquí and Keith Luger paperbacks, and there were even more inside. All of which reminded us that we had posted something from Luger—aka Miguel Oliver Tovar—years ago, which can see at this link. We didn’t buy any of today’s pile, but we may mosey back round that way another morning and pick up a few. After all, why not? They’re cheap as hell. Also, we want to know why people buy bags of sawdust, and we can only find out by going back to the store and asking. The overarching theme, though, is this: it’s nice to be living in a city where we can find a bit of pulp style treasure just by taking a stroll. For years that wasn’t the case.
Walk a city's streets and you never know what you'll find.