From Estudios America, S.A. came this poster promoting their low budget adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Fall of the House of Usher,” which the studio called Satanás de todos los horrores. You’ve read the Poe story, right? Cursed house, woman buried alive, house cracks in two, falls over, and sinks into swamp. Satanás premiered in Mexico today in 1974, and starred Enrique Lizalde, Enrique Rocha and Illya Shanell. Though it’s been poorly reviewed over time, we’ve seen far worse. The promo poster, you may notice, is signed “E.M.” We don’t know who that is yet. Anyone out there with insight feel free to drop us a line. In the meantime we will dig, as always. See more Mexican movie poster art here and here.
Mexico serves as a fresh backdrop for a macabre classic.