It’s uncredited but memorable, this cover for Night Lust by Ken Gardner, from Erotik Books, a subsidiary of Foremost Publishing, which was a branch of Connoisseur Publications. It’s almost like nobody really wanted credit for this book. Basically a kid named Peter is shaped by his two lesbian neighbors into a pervert. First they play dress-up with him and pretty soon they’re leading him down the path of total perversion, which results in him becoming a roving peeper. The cover depicts them about to play the “spanking game,” which like ping pong incorporates the backhand smash. Put this book in the evil lesbians bin. Not that there’s a good lesbians bin. This is mid-century sleaze. Lesbianism is like demonic possession—you’re either eventually exorcised or lost forever. Gardner, presumably a pseudonym, continued in this vein with Terrified, Sex Hostage, and other highbrow literary efforts. Night Lust is from 1966.
Hi girls! I brought my paddle. And a couple of fresh balls. I still don't see where we'll play, though.