Above is a cover for 1963’s Fathers and Daughters by Stuart Friedman for Monarch Books. You get the gist from the art. It’s the story of Brad Latham and his daughter Barbara, who were always very close (sharing innocent father-daughter kisses which seemed to banish the worries of the day, we’re informed) but eventually get a little too close. The artist here, Harry Schaare, was born in New York in 1922, and studied architecture and had a stint in the army before establishing himself as a pulp illustrator. He was most active during the 1960s, and eventually moved into fine art, whereupon he diversified into all kinds of subject matter, from sports to western-themed art to portraiture. If you’re interested, there’s a Flickr gallery of some of his paperback covers here.
You know why I love you this way, sweetie? Because you’re exactly like your mother before twenty years of life with me crushed her spirit.