Joshi gakuen: Yabai sotsugyô is known in English as Hazardous Graduation, and is the sequel to Joshi gakuen: Warui asobi, aka Girls’ Junior High School: Dangerous Games (1970) and the predecessor of Joshi gakuen: Otona no asobi, aka Girl’s Junior High School: Too Young to Play Like This. In brief—it’s too dumb to recommend. Like the other films, this one stars Junko Natsu, and plotwise she and her coterie of rebellious followers resist attempts by school adminitrators to teach sexual abstinence. They of course prove that adults are hypocrites. While the movie isn’t worth watching (there’s even a cake fight, for fuck’s sake), we decided to share the poster anyway because Natsu is an important action star who would later feature in important films such as Bad Girl Mako and Wolves of the City. Joshi gakuen: Yabai sotsugyô premiered today in 1970.
Why study when you can party?
Japan, Nikkatsu, Joshi gakuen: Yabai sotsugyô, Hazardous Graduation, Joshi gakuen: Warui asobi, Girls' Junior High School: Dangerous Games, Joshi gakuen: Otona no asobi, Girl's Junior High School: Too Young to Play Like This, Junko Natsu, Jirô Okazaki, Seizaburô Kawazu, poster art, cinema, movie review