Ah, the internet, that font of misinformation. The amazing photo above has made its way onto numerous web pages identified as Sharon Tate. It isn’t. Only wishful thinking could make this model—though beautiful—look even remotely like Sharon Tate. The photo actually shows West German sexploitation actress Gigi Darlene, née Heli Leonore Weinreich, who is known for the 1965 sexploitation flick Bad Girls Go To Hell, as well as Hot Nights on the Campus, Nudes on Tiger Reef, The Very Naked Canvas, et al. Tate has plenty of amazing photos of her own, so when we saw this misidentified in so many places we figured we’d stand up for poor Gigi. Another shot of her from a webpage dedicated to her appears at right, and you can see that the above woman and the one at right are the same. As far as Tate goes, we like this shot.
Everything about this photo is right—except who's supposed to be in it.