Did orgies really happen in colleges back in the 1960s? We weren’t alive then, but we like to think it’s true. One thing maintaining this website constantly reinforces is just how conservative people are today. Think about it. You have twenty-somethings right now who think they’re the wildest things to careen down the pike in all eternity—a normal assumption made by every generation—but in reality their world is so constrained and loaded with traps it doesn’t remotely compare to the past. They have more STDs to worry about, social media that immortalizes their errors forever, surveillance and electronic tracking everywhere, credit records and employment histories they have to protect at all costs, and corporate and police cultures that are infinitely more suffocating than they used to be.
Note that we’re only saying there’s less space for personal risk-taking now. In broad areas—acceptance of racial groups and sexual preference, for instance—today’s culture is less conservative than in the past, and thankfully so. But it’s a bit shocking to consider when you look at Inside News that the now septua- and octogenarian people inside were, on the whole, crazier in their youth than today’s twenty-somethings. It’s a point worth keeping in mind next time you visit that boring older relative of yours. He or she might just have been on the bottom of the pile at one of the college orgies Inside News is talking about. Lovely image, right? Want to see more tabloids? We have more than any site on the internet and you can find them by starting at our tabloid index at this link.