Above and below you will find a large collection of pulp, post-pulp, and sleaze paperback fronts that have as their titles a character’s first name. There are hundreds of examples of these but we stopped at thirty-two. The collection really highlights, more than others we’ve put together, how rarely vintage paperback art focuses on male characters. The prose is virtually all male-centered and male-driven, of course, but because the mid-century paperback market was male-driven too, that meant putting women on the covers to attract the male eye. We tell our girlfriends this all the time, but they still think we just don’t bother looking for male-oriented vintage art. But we do. For this collection we found two novels that have male characters’ names as their titles, and we looked pretty hard. If we had to guess, we’d say less than 5% of all pulp art is male-oriented. In any case, the illustrations come from the usual suspects—Barye Phillips, Robert McGinnis, Jef de Wulf, Paul Rader, et al., plus less recognized artists like Doug Weaver. Thanks to all the original uploaders for these.
What’s in a name? Everything, if it’s the title of a vintage paperback.
Stuart Friedman, Gilbert Terrell, Peggy Gaddis, Burt Hirschfeld, Vern Wade, Paul Daniels, James McGovern, Donald Hann, Sheldon Lord, Paul Rader, Barye Phillips, Robert McGinnis, Jef de Wulf, Doug Weaver, Carter Brown, Max Gareth, Ray Gaulden, Herb Montgomery, Donald Henderson Clarke, Vera Caspary, Fred Malloy, Joan Sherman, Frederic Mullally, Justin Kent, Robert Maguire, James E. McConnell, Anita Wright, T.S. Boyd, Erick Summers, Dean Hudson, Hallam Whitney, E. & J. De Goncourt, cover art, literature