Burlesque dancer, nudist, and tabloid personality Blaze Starr is captured in oils by painter Joseph Sheppard in a photo made in his studio this month in 1955. Starr was only twenty-three, but well known thanks to an appearance the previous year in Esquire. Sheppard was also well known, and would continue growing into an artist of international renown. In addition to his numerous paintings, he was also a highly regarded sculptor with many works to his credit, and would eventually create the Brooks Robinson statue that stands outside Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore.
This portrait wasn’t the only one Starr and Sheppard made together, but it’s the only one that was photographed in progress. Or seemingly in progress, anyway. Considering that the painting actually looks finished, the shot may be staged. But it’s nice anyway. Sheppard also made either a study or a separate piece in pencils, with a reverse orientation, which you see below too. We probably won’t see Sheppard here again, but if you’re interested in his work there’s a website that shares his pieces and the details of his life. As for Starr, she’ll be back eventually. You can count on it. Meanwhile, see her again here and here.