What do you do when money is tight? In mid-century fiction, you work that body. You find an artist, present your bona fides as a figure model, then peel down for a fee. Or room and board. Or notice from those who guard the doorway to success. Just remember that however much you generate in cash, barter, or recognition, it all inevitably leads to a romp in the sack, often with several participants, and always with disastrous complications because in pulp there’s no such thing as consequence-free sex. Now that you know the rules make that booty work. Above and below you see an assortment of mid-century bookcovers featuring artists and their models. Thanks to all the original uploaders on these, and don’t forget this awesome example and this one.
We don’t know art but we know what we like.
Jerry M. Goff Jr., William Arnold, Tiffany Thayer, Clement Wood, Howard Spring, Marjorie Worthington, Edward S. Aarons, Cecil Barr, John Dexter, Marco Page, Kimberly Kemp, Edgar A. Martin, Lorelei Sexton, Tom Foran, Joyce Carey, Eric Davidson, James Rowe, Ward Greene, Joan Sherman, Clifton Cuthbert, Ben West, Irving Stone, Carl Branch, Jory Sherman, Victoria Lincoln, Dean Hudson, Charles Keats, Gladys Sloan, Don Elliott, Pierre La Mure, Louis Richard, Lynn Martin, cover art, cover collection, literature