By the time the mid-1960s rolled around movie studios the world over were imitating James Bond. The film Ypotron, aka Agente Logan – missione Ypotron, which was released in Italy today in 1966, was one of the worst imitators. It’s inept in all aspects, especially the slide guitar soundtrack that might make you bury yourself somewhere in the back yard. But then you’d miss lines of dialogue like, “I don’t specialize in making speeches. I use bullets.” Yes, it’s bad. It is bad-good? That depends on you, since you’ll have to provide all the actual entertainment. But good or bad we wanted to share the above Italian promo poster painted by Ezio Tarantelli, which is good-good. You can see more Tarantelli here, and another poster for Ypotron at the top of this post.
Low rent Bond imitation withers in comparison to its inspiration.