Mansfield’s stranding and rescue was a huge story, but there were many who said it was a publicity stunt. It’s an interesting take on the event, considering the attending physician at Rassin Hospital, whose name was Dr. Meyer Rassin—he founded the facility—said Mansfield suffered from “quite severe exposure, and the effects of bites from numerous mosquitoes and sand flies.” Having dealt with Caribbean sand flies ourselves, we can tell you nobody would willingly put themselves through the hell of being feasted on by them. But on the other hand, sand fly bites itch and swell, and when scratched they break open and bleed, yet Mansfield doesn’t look particularly marked. On the other-other hand, doesn’t dragging a local pilot and the respected founder of the island hospital into a fake near-death experience defy credulity?
But maybe two things were true at the same time. Maybe it started as a stunt. Maybe Mansfield and company motored to Rose Island, purposely turned the boat over and set it adrift, then waited for the pilot they’d selected to fly over the next morning. Maybe they even had food and water, and hunkered down for a night under the Caribbean stars while chortling over the free press coverage they were going to generate. But maybe they had failed to consider the sand fly aspect, and Mansfield really was in a sorry state when found, which means Dr. Rassin was being truthful. It’s possible.
To us the biggest hole in Mansfield’s story is the accidental capsizing of a boat seventeen feet long that’s weighed down by an outboard motor. It takes serious work to overturn a floating canoe, let alone a waterskiing boat. But Mansfield was a hefty woman, Hargitay was a bodybuilder, and with Drury leaning waaaay out over the boat’s gunwale, maybe they really did accidentally flip it. We’ll never know what happened, which means Mansfield’s big Bahamian adventure will always be a subject of speculation. But you now what? The truth is often banal. A mystery is so much more fun.